Current Alternative Investments

Past Alternative Investments
Chasefield Versa Fund
This is Chasefield Capital’s first algorithmic trading fund. The fund capitalizes on momentum, trend following, volatility trading and other factors to determine when to buy into the market and when to sell its position. At any one time the fund could be entirely invested utilizing leverage to gain excess returns. Likewise, it could be entirely divested and remain in cash to protect against a volatile market. An additional feature of Versa Fund is its unique ability to quantify its risk profile. This design was intentional. It allows Versa Fund to be integrated easily in any standard portfolio of stocks and bonds.
CC Clearview LLLP
The LLLP raised capital to purchase an underdeveloped, light oil and gas asset in Canada when prices were the lowest in generations. The past bear market in the oil market put a strain on leverages companies and provided an opportunity for purchases. Current markets are supportive of selling this asset and the Manager is negotiating through that strategy now.
This website page is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any interests in Chasefield Versa Fund (the “Fund”) or any other securities. Any such offer will be made only pursuant to the Fund’s Private Placement Memorandum.